Some stains seem near impossible to remove, especially the infamous red wine stain that everyone dreads so much. Despite your best intentions, it’s unfortunately common to experience an unexpected spill that you’ve tried so hard to avoid.
While it is possible to remove red wine stains, it isn’t an easy process as there’s a lot involved in stain removal for a stain as deep and difficult to remove as red wine. Fortunately, our professional Tampa Bay carpet cleaning company has the expertise to help tackle wine stains and other stubborn marks that seem impossible to remove.
Can Carpet Cleaning Remove Every Type of Stain?
We’d like to say yes, but in all honesty, it depends on a lot of factors: what made the stain, how old it is, how quickly you call a professional, and what you did to help remove it on your own. Some at-home cleaning techniques may actually make it harder to remove a stain even though they seem to help at the time.
While there is no 100% guarantee that carpet cleaning will remove that pesky stain from your carpet, the chances of it working are much higher if you call a professional quickly. Getting a professional to examine the stain will help determine the odds and give us a better idea of what will need to be done to remove it.
Different stains will react to different cleaners, so it’s important that you’re able to tell your carpet cleaner what substance made the stain.
Does Carpet Cleaning Actually Remove Wine Stains?
Any stain can be disheartening, but wine stains are somehow worse. As you stare down at your ruined carpet, you wonder how you’ll ever get it out and return your carpet to its original, pristine look. That’s where professional carpet cleaning services come in.
While at-home shampooing may help, it has nothing on professional cleaning services. With commercial-grade cleaners and high-tech equipment, our professional services can get any stain out of your carpet if you act quickly enough.
Regular carpet cleaning hacks will help lessen the damage that wine does to your carpet, but it won’t eliminate the problem entirely. Calling a professional team, however, can. To increase the chances of the stain being removed thoroughly and your carpets returning to their original beauty, you need to call immediately.
Even light stains can become hard to remove if they’re left alone for long enough, and, unfortunately, wine stains are even worse. While carpet cleaning can reduce their appearance, your carpets are less likely to recover entirely if you wait too long. There may be a slight color difference or a dull mark where the stain was.
How Exactly Do We Remove Stains Like the Infamous Red Wine?
Our professional carpet cleaners are skilled at what they do and have been thoroughly trained. With the use of professional and commercial grade equipment, removing red wine stains is much more effective.
Using a tried and true approach, we take care to ensure that the stain removal process will not damage your carpet. After a thorough assessment of your carpet or rug, we’ll begin strategizing how to remove the stain.
First, we’ll make sure to look for a dye-run situation. As red wine is a dye that may spread or run through the carpet, it’s important that we first analyze the depth of the stain before attempting to treat it.
With our professional grade equipment, we’ll deep clean your carpet with high-quality cleaners in a safe manner. We’ll take great care not to damage your carpet, while our equipment is working hard to remove the red wine stain.
After we’ve removed the stain using our cleaners and equipment, we’ll make sure to remove the water from the area so that your carpet can dry quickly. While it will still be a little moist afterwards, there won’t be water soaking through the fibers.
The final step in a red wine stain removal job is to apply a stain protection agent to your carpet so that future stains are easier to remove. The stain protector will make it so that you can clean up stains in the future by preventing the liquid from soaking into the carpet fibers and attaching to them.
Does The Type of Carpet Matter When Removing a Stain?
Yes! Depending on the material that the carpet is made from, we’ll have to use different methods. Wool and polyester can’t be cleaned the same way as the materials will react differently. However, professional cleaners can account for this and will keep it at the forefront of their mind when they take on your carpet stain.
While the type of carpet you have is important, experienced cleaners will be able to handle just about anything. Since the wrong methods could damage your carpet, though, you should always make sure that you hire someone with enough experience to care for and clean your carpeting properly.
Remove Carpet Stains With Dan Dan The Carpet Man
There’s a reason why red wine spills are so notorious and dreaded. They truly are one of the hardest stains to remove. When red wine spills, you may not be able to remove the stain effectively on your own, but our professional carpet cleaners can.
Although it may seem impossible, even wine stains are removable when you act quickly and call a professional carpet cleaning service. Instead of reaching for a shelf-brand product to take care of the problem at home, reach for your phone and contact our The Villages carpet cleaning company so that your carpets can return to being stain free as soon as possible.